Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Welcome to our Blog

Hello friends,

I want to use this blog to keep up with friends and family that we do not see often. I am really bad at sending emails, so I thought this will help since I only have to do it once.

Danny and I are in Pensacola, FL. He is the pulpit minister at Gateway church of Christ. I work from home, doing a little bookkeeping/taxes. It lets me really be a stay at home mom and I enjoy that more than anythng. Taylor is now five and Jordan is two. They are such a joy and at times a challenge. Taylor has started Kindergarten and Jordan is in preschool three days a week.

Taylor is playing soccer and taking ballet. She is improving all the time in both activities and she loves them. Jordan is too young to join, but she does like kicking the soccer ball around with big sister. Danny has entered the world of soccer - he is Taylor's soccer coach. You really don't have to know much when you coach five year olds.

Thank you for checking out our blog.