Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day

We had a really good Christmas morning. Taylor and Jordan were so much fun, especially Jordan, she didn't know what to do. They got a new kitchen to share, Jordan got a tricycle and Taylor a scooter. Taylor also got a digital camera, she has been taking pictures all morning. I will have to share her pictures sometime. My mom, sister and niece are here with us. Notice there are no pictures of Danny, he is the one in charge of the camera. He was good to me this year, I got a gift cert to my favorite store, a Johnson Bros tea set, earrings from Germany and other little stuff. He got all the books he requested. Now four are napping, Taylor is playing and Danny is reading while I update you on our day. Before Christmas, I had cleaned out the girls playroom and got rid of a lot of toys, Taylor just made the comment "Santa must have known how many toys you got rid of because he gave us a lot". That should sum up their Christmas for you.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Taylor's first Razorback game

As most of you might know I am a huge Razorback football fan. So Saturday, I was able to take my five year old daughter Taylor to her first Razorback game. It was a proud moment for me. She had a lot of fun. She had to calm me down a few times. She wanted to make sure I didn't get too crazy. But she did learn to call the Hogs! She ask lots of questions, like "when is it going to start" - this was mid-way through the 1st quarter. She learned the difference between touchdown and field goal, and she learned by the way I was acting if Arkansas scored or not. I also tried to explain downs to her, I don't think she completely understood, but she acted like she did. It was really a fund day, especially since Arkansas won 45-31. They were playing Mississippi State, which Danny likes, not his favorite, but being from Mississippi, he will always pull for one of there teams. After the game Taylor said she was "sad for Daddy", she didn't want him to be sad because his team lost. I am going to work on that with her. :)

We are still in Arkansas. Danny is in Germany visiting with our missionaries and retreating. He will return on Wednesday and we will head to Greenville, MS for Thanksgiving with his family.

I hope everyone of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Ready for the game

Calling the Hogs!

With Tusk, the Razorback mascot

Having fun!

Eating Cotton Candy

How does he look?

"I want one of these"

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

October Fun

The end of October was a lot of fun for the Dodd's. We had the fair and Fall Carnival at Church, and don't forget Halloween. Taylor and Jordan loved all the activities. Taylor really enjoys the fair. Since Danny gets sick on the rides, I am the one who gets to ride with them, some were fun, some not. Taylor did ride the kiddie roller coaster all by herself, I was busy on the Bumblebee's with Jordan. I also introduced Taylor to the "Scrambler"(at least that is what it was called in my day), I can't remember what it is called now. She absolutely loved it, we had to ride it twice. We would have ridden more, but Jordan had fallen asleep and Danny was cold. We want to thank our good friends Steve and Diane Peacock, we went to the fair with them and their daughter, my friend Judy. It was a lot of fun.

The Fall Carnival is always fun to see the costumes and cars decorated. I have to give the prize to the Johnson family. They were Peter Pan -we had to walk the plank, it was fun. Jordan didn't understand, but had a lot of fun. Taylor played all the games and won a lot of prizes. Needless to say, we have lots of candy.

For Halloween, we went to Judy Peacocks for dinner and trick-or-treating. Taylor and Jordan were not fun to get ready. Taylor was crying because she didn't think it was time to go, she didn't see anyone else out. Jordan did not want costume on again. When I told her "lets go get some candy", she ran to the pantry to get her pumpkin from the carnival, when she saw the pumpkin empty she was very unhappy.

Danny was gone for the last week of October. So he missed the Fall Carnival and Halloween. He was in California, near San Fransisco preaching a meeting and then to the Gulf Coast Teen Retreat. We are happy to have him back.

We are gearing up for the Holidays. Danny is horrified that I need my Christmas tree up now. :) I want to get my Christmas cards done before Thanksgiving. We will see if it happens.

Taylor and Jordan are still enjoying school. I am very thankful for my down time when they are there. Although my down time is work, but it is nice and quiet.

It took me so long to update my blog because I am having trouble figuring it out. I still don't know how to do the things I want. There fore all the pictures are first because I don't know how to change that just yet.

Thanks for checking out our blog.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Welcome to our Blog

Hello friends,

I want to use this blog to keep up with friends and family that we do not see often. I am really bad at sending emails, so I thought this will help since I only have to do it once.

Danny and I are in Pensacola, FL. He is the pulpit minister at Gateway church of Christ. I work from home, doing a little bookkeeping/taxes. It lets me really be a stay at home mom and I enjoy that more than anythng. Taylor is now five and Jordan is two. They are such a joy and at times a challenge. Taylor has started Kindergarten and Jordan is in preschool three days a week.

Taylor is playing soccer and taking ballet. She is improving all the time in both activities and she loves them. Jordan is too young to join, but she does like kicking the soccer ball around with big sister. Danny has entered the world of soccer - he is Taylor's soccer coach. You really don't have to know much when you coach five year olds.

Thank you for checking out our blog.