Sunday, September 7, 2008

Vacation in the Smokey Mtns

The first week of August we took a vacation to the Smokey Mtns. Our destination was Pigeon Forge, Dollywood and Splash Mountain. The girls loved it. Jordan was always saying "Dowwywood". We had an adventure, our Envoy quit as we were headed out, so we had to come back to the house and rented a car. So we were a little late getting started, but everything worked out. Jordan tells the story that we got a new car and new home(our hotel) at Dollywood. The highlight of our trip was Splash Mountain. It was a lot of fun, Danny and I enjoyed that the most too. There was so much to do for Jordan and Taylor. Taylor was willing to try anything, including a spinning disc in a half-pipe - I was so proud she tried but so terrified that I had to be the one to ride it with her. Danny cannot ride anything that spins or goes fast (he says he will get sick, maybe I should test that story). :) On our way home, we took our time. We stopped for a tour at a local dairy. We stopped at Lookout Mountain and Ruby Falls in Chattanooga. It was a fun "end of summer" trip for our family.

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